Changing seasons with intention: a fall mindset

Happy autumn! What do you like most about fall? There are a lot of things to savor, even if you’re someone who loves the sunshine as I do.

Those who shout “Fallelujah!” are often portrayed as Pumpkin Spice everything enthusiasts, who eagerly pull out their sweaters, seasonal candles and fall decorations the day after Labor Day. They disdain the last days of sunny warmth September brings and pine for sweater weather.

If you’re one of those people, I see you. Your enthusiasm is admirable.

As I mentioned, there are many things to savor about fall. I’d like to briefly discuss the practical (changing wardrobes with the weather) and the less obvious philosophical/organizational aspect of changing seasons. 

The practical: changing seasons, changing wardrobes

Fall is the time of year when many of us move our summer clothes out of the dominant places in our closets and replace them with those sweaters, cardigans, and pullovers – all the things to keep us cozy during cooler weather. 

We may also, for those of you who are more fashion-forward, take this time to consider our accessories – belts, shoes, hats, bags, purses, etc. You may contemplate if that old belt is serving you anymore. Maybe your fall purse is getting a little ratty, and it is time to replace it. (Spoiler alert: I can think of a good place to get one. ;))

The change of seasons presents us with an opportunity to gear up for what’s ahead, whether with fashion, decorating, or settling into the fourth-quarter hustle heading into the holidays. 

This brings me to the less obvious benefit of fall and the changing seasons.

Using fall as a springboard (no pun intended) for things to come

We’ve talked before about the transition to fall in terms of getting organized. 

I like to view it as a time to get my head back in the game after the “lazy” days of summer. (They’re not actually lazy, but more laid-back.)

That’s where I invite you to think about how you can use this time of transition to colder weather for your strategic advantage.

Let the rearranging of your closet serve as a metaphor for making overdue changes in your life.

There’s the obvious stuff we talked about, like deciding if you need new accessories.

But there is so much more. Consider:

  • So you never wear that cardigan anymore. Donate or repurpose it!
    Is there anything else that needs to be evaluated to see if it still deserves space in your life?
    A bad relationship? A toxic “friend”? Allowing disrespect from those closest to you?
  • Is there an item or two that makes you feel self-conscious? Perhaps it's time to address the feelings behind the feelings, and give yourself a chance to air them out and heal.
  • Perhaps it's time to look for a new job opportunity.
  • It could be that you’ve been holding back on a dream, and now is the time to take a step toward it.
  • Are you feeling frazzled and disorganized? Now is an excellent time to take a deep breath and start building systems that will help you get ahead. Maybe that means hiring a professional organizer or another type of coach. 

 Do you see my point? Fall can be a strategic time to set right that which has fallen into disarray. Even to acknowledge it, write it down, and make a plan to address it. Then, the next step is to take action. :)

I’m always delighted to help you with the accessory side of fall planning. I also have a network of friends, media and retail partners that will get you the physical tools and inspiration you need. 

But even more importantly, I want to see you thrive as a person and live life to the fullest. Using the change of seasons to get started is one of the best ways I know!

Thank you for reading! Drop a comment with any questions or thoughts. 



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