From Farm to Fashion: Making a Lasting Difference for the Environment

What do pigs have to do with purses? Or cows with clutches? The similarities might surprise you!

To start off, I think you and I are on similar trajectories. We both care about the environment, leaving the earth as good as possible for our children and grandchildren. (At least, I suspect you care about that, if you’re reading this blog! ;))

Farm to Fashion is a way of sharing my story of how I ended up making sustainable handbags and purses. You, as the reader, are part of this story. So, let’s look at the “A.C.T.” of honoring the earth. 

It starts with awareness, continues to course correction and ends with transformation!

A. Awareness

Growing up on a farm, I witnessed my family's agricultural practices. I learned that the better you care for the soil and animals, the better the quantity and condition of products they will produce in return. Quality in, quality out. 

Take that in tandem with my early love of sewing and interest in fashion. As I began to look into the fashion industry more, I learned so much that broke my heart: wasteful production, throwaway garments, unjust labor conditions and more. 

It all began to come together for me. The connection between my farm lessons naturally led me to choose to build a business based on the same principles—treat the process, materials, and people involved well, and good things will come back.

If you’re on a similar journey of making meaningful consumption and fashion choices, can you pinpoint where your journey began? (I’d love to hear your story in a comment!)

C. Courage to Course Correct

Yes, that’s three Cs. It works. :) 

Going down the traditional path of unconcerned consumerism is the norm. Not thinking about where or how clothes and accessories are made, and by whom. 

Once you learn, as I did, how many black marks there are in the fashion industry, you have a choice to make. Will you continue with your previous purchasing patterns or change your ways?

I’m not trying to be judgy or imply that one should never buy a piece of clothing from a chain store. I’m stressing the choice that gets presented once you know. 

For me, I couldn’t unlearn it. I knew I had to do something different. My mission, as a purse maker with a zeal for caring for the earth, was sealed. It wasn’t easy, but I knew I needed to summon the courage to change course—to do my part.

You may not be involved in creating accessories or clothes, but perhaps you’re facing the dilemma I described. The decision on the consumer side is similar. I’m curious to hear your thoughts on the matter.

T. Transformation

Bringing this “ACT” to a close is transformation. There are so many small pieces to this that make a beautiful long-term whole picture.

It’s about sourcing regenerative and earth-friendly materials for our accessories, creating beautiful, unique pieces that contribute to the local economy. 

For our customers, the satisfaction of investing in quality, environment-friendly accessories that support our local small business is a big win-win. 

Our products might be a little more expensive than something you’d find at a big retailer (not always!). But the long-term impact endures—longer lasting, more sustainable, and supporting a circular economy.

In closing

The lessons I learned on the farm have stuck with me. 

Just as watching the positive cycle between caring for the elements and the animals yielded a better outcome, building a business that honors the earth and supports other creators makes for the long-term outcomes I seek. 

I’m grateful to have found a tribe of like-minded business partners, friends and customers. We are making the earth a better place—one creation and purchase at a time. 

Thank you for your part in the journey, and for reading my story!

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